In celebration of Earth Day, we made a pie honoring some of the most essential workers on the planet: The honey bee!
9 inch graham cracker or shortbread crust (we used store bought)
4 yolks and 1 egg white
1/3 cup of raw honey
2 and 1/4 t. of gelatin
1/8 t. salt
1 cup whole milk
1/8 t. lemon juice
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
Honey for drizzling
FruitFast Dried Montmorency Cherries to make bees
9 inch circle of bubble wrap (small bubbles)
If using a store bought crust, beat and egg and brush onto the crust. Bake for 5 minutes at 375 degrees.
In a small bowl, blend together the Brownwood Acres Blueberry Preserves and the FruitFast Elderberry. Once the pie crust is completely cooled, spread into the bottom of the crust.
In a small saucepan, whisk together egg yolks, raw honey, gelatin, and salt.
In a microwave safe bowl, heat the milk until just simmering (You can do this stove-top, also. Just keep a close eye not to burn the milk.)
Whisking constantly, very gradually add the hot milk to the egg yolk mixture until blended.
Place the saucepan over medium heat. Whisking constantly, bring the mixture to a simmer. Be careful not to boil. Whisk until slightly thickened. Pour the mixture through a sieve into a small metal bowl. Place the bowl into another bowl filled with ice water to cool faster.
Meanwhile in another small bowl, use an electric egg beater to whip the egg whites and lemon juice into stiff peaks.
Use the same egg beater with another bowl to whip the cream into stiff peaks.
Stir the egg yolk/honey mixture until cool and when dropped from a spoon it forms small mounds.
Gently fold egg whites and cream into the egg yolk mixture. Spread mixture on top of the preserve/Elderberry layer. Spread until the top is smooth.
Carefully place bubble wrap on top of the cream/egg mixture and gently press down. (This creates the honeycomb look)
Place in the freezer for three hours or as long as overnight.
Remove from the freezer and carefully remove bubble wrap. Drizzle with honey. This is the fun part! Drizzle it, spread it around, whatever your aesthetic may be, go for it!
Form FruitFast Dried Montmorency Cherries into as many little bees as you please.
Allow to thaw for an hour and serve!