The impact parents have on their children extends beyond behavior, education and social attitudes. It’s important for youngsters at an early age to develop a positive attitude towards food and, as we all know, parents have the greatest influence on their children.
I had my first child in October. I was lucky enough to grow up part of the FruitFast family, so healthy options were always present. Here are some thoughts my wife and I have had as we prepare ourselves for the journey ahead.
Demonstrating healthy eating habits and choices, as well as including family members in food preparation and meal planning are important ways to lead young people on a path towards a positive relationship with food.
Most adults diet at some point in life. It’s important to portray these personal challenges with weight and food issues in a positive and healthy manner around children.
Examine your own attitudes about food and body image;
Do you ever complain about your weight in front of children?
Do you ever use food as a reward? Or use food (or lack thereof) as a punishment?
Thoughts to consider:
Limit fast food visits
Encourage exercise and talk about how important our bodies are and how we care for them
Be mindful of your own attitudes towards food; especially when in front of children.
Eat once a day as a family
Offer healthy foods and snacks with minimal processing
Have conversations about media/cultural attitudes towards food and body image
Parents have tremendous influence on kids, so setting the right example is important.